When push came to shove …

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Please believe me when I swear I had all intentions of starting this on July 01. I did. I seriously, cross my heart, did. Well, why didn’t I? ….. update time …………

I guess on the 1st that I wasn’t quite ready … almost ….. but not quite. Besides someone ever so thoughtfully had just bought me a six pack of my very favourite vodka-lemon-lime and soda UDLs and how could I possibly let them sit there and not be enjoyed! At 7.6% sugar, no wonder they are (I mean, were) my drink of choice and although a strict self-imposed limit of 1 can per day is not excessively alcoholic, it is still too much sugar for someone wanting to be a non-sugar eater. So there was a 6-day hiatus at least and that was before I even started.

But ………… in that time I picked up a copy of David Gillespie’s new book : The Sweet Poison Quit Plan. I’ve devoured it and am already on a second reading. If you have not got this book yet, what the heck are you waiting for? Get thee straight to a bookstore NOW!


Once again, David Gillespie provides sensible information in a way that is not only easy and humorous to read, but actually inspires you to act. And I did. I’m pleased to say that there are still 3 UDL cans in the fridge, waiting for a visitor who may enjoy them (… I may have decided not to drink them, but for the life of me I cannot tip them down the sink!) and I’ve made some changes which I intend to be long-lasting.

In being honest, the other thing that pushed me over the edge was taking bubba for her 6 month needles at the doctors. Being short on super-duper baby weighing scales, her weight was taken by me stepping on the scales holding her initially and then hopping on again without her to subtract the difference. Holy Crap! Just 6 months after having her, I was over 10kg heavier than being 40 weeks pregnant! Not too hard to guess that a diet of chocolate chip biscuits (and plenty of them),  Coke, and French Style flavoured coffee by the tanker load were the culprits. The problem was that I was certainly addicted to each and everyone of these sugar-laden foodstuffs and I was consuming them excessively. I’m ashamed to say that a dozen choc-chip bikkies washed down by half a dozen cups of French Style coffee was not at all an unusual day. As a student of David Gillespie’s first book Sweet Poison I *knew* it was wrong, wrong, wrong … but as an addict I was helpless.

At least now I feel as if I am really on the right track and I’m viewing this (again, I know, I know) as a lifestyle change and not a diet. I need to be able to chase a toddler, I need to be able to go and kick a soccer ball with my big boys but most of all I need to know that I am looking after myself well, so that I can look after them best.

I’ll be back later with a little summary of how my first few fructose-free days have gone …


Ok. Step One. D-DAY set.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Because I am a bit “funny” with starts and finishes and the like – kind of not stepping on pavement cracks when you are a kid – I’ve decided that my DUMP SUGAR DAY will coincide with the end of the financial year and as of July 01, 2010 my saucy, racy, love affair with sugar will be over!! This time forever!!!

So much  to do before then …… a month of cutting back and planning and looking for alternatives … will keep here posted as I go!


So where to now????

I know what to do ... but now need an action plan to start. A D-Day - my DUMP sugar Day! Why not today you ask ... well truth be known, today is just too hard .... and so is tomorrow. I need a little time (not a lot) to plan and make my head ready for what my body is not going to like.

Giving up sugar is just like breaking any addiction - and I know as I went through it all the last time. It sucks. There will be headaches and tummyaches and moments of weakness but as this time it must be for good, planning will be essential.

Here is my 'to-do' list .....

1. be upfront in documenting how I decided to make the change and identifying my motivating factors (they need to be in my face as a reminder!)

2. re-read some bits of Sweet Poison (if you have not got hold of this book yet, you MUST)

3. make myself a list of rules - some "yesses" and some "nooos"

4. do a stocktake of the pantry and the menu

5. set a date for D-Day

So much to do .... good thing I'm onto it!


The background story ........

Monday, May 31, 2010

This is the background. In a sugar-coated nutshell.
I used to be thin. Thin enough that a size 10 skirt would spin freely around my waist.
I remained thin - despite little exercise, an ordinary diet and an excessive consumption of "refreshing beverages" - until I turned 22-ish.
I clearly recall the turning point.
I spent a night in hospital having 4 wisdom teeth removed. I came home minus 4 teeth but with a nasty bug.
A bout of glandular fever lasting years and developing into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which lasted for years and years and still to this day sometimes rears its head, saw the weight stack on and before I knew it, I was fat!
I fell pregnant with my first child and got fatter.
After number one was born, I lost the weight and once again was slim! YAY but a shortlived YAY
I fell pregnant with my second child 2 years later and got super-dooper fat. Fat, to the point I was certain the first word from his mouth would be "cheeseburger!"
The weight stayed and stayed and just hung around ......
One night, many fat years later, on ABC talkback radio, I heard an interview with David Gillespie. He spoke of his book Sweet Poison and that week I bought it and read it twice! Finally something that made sense!
I cut out added sugar and lost 17kg. Felt great about things although there was still more fat to lose!
Pregnant again, with number three. Morning sickness this time around was so dreadfully bad that I abandoned my sugar-free ways and crammed into my mouth *anything* that I could bear the thought of and keep down.
Total pregnancy gain was only 5kg and after having bub I dropped a fair bit of weight quickly. Fantastic, I thought! ...... hmmmm maybe not .....

Right now I'm finding that I'm gaining weight (...again), I'm feeling lethargic and I'm just not on top of it all. Not to mention the sweet-tooth cravings that I'm having and giving in to!

The good news is that I now know what I need to do. I need to kick sugar in the bum. The bad news is that it won't happen overnight and I'm not well known for my patience.

I'll be documenting the steps I take and invite support, discussion, comment and more support!!!